Sorghum - Shirikure

Size: 1kg


Traditionally, sorghum yields have been very low because of the lack of improvedvarieties. Another major factor resulting in loss of production is that due to birds.Improved varieties have now been developed by the Klein Karoo research team andgrown, but few have resistance to bird damage. Shirikure has a higher tannin contentthan most white sorghum varieties and has been shown to be remarkably bird proof inthe field. In addition to this important factor, it has demonstrated the ability to producehigh yields and has been shown to be widely adapted.Shirikure is a medium maturingand tall-statured white open pollinated sorghum variety. It has good tolerance todrought and heat stress and has shown consistent yield potential across a wide range ofenvironments. Shirikure has good resistance to the major sorghum leaf diseases,particularly leaf blight, Exserohilum turcicum.Over 3 years of trials, on average Shirikureout yielded Macia by 25%. Days to flowering (about 82 days) is 7 days later than Maciaand Shirikure matures about 6 days later (about 116 days). Head exertion is marginallysmaller than in Macia, and Shirikure is more resistant to leaf blight than Macia, butslightly more susceptible to rust. Markedly less bird damage was recorded for Shirikureand is reflected in tannin content in the seed as shown by the percent stained seeds inthe SOP test. Shirikure (about 210 cm) is, on average, 50cm taller than Macia, and stalklodging may be observed when grown on highly fertile soil in high rainfall areas. Shirikurehas larger grain size than Macia.

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